The Flag of Christmas Island

The flag of Christmas Island is characterized by its rich symbolism and vibrant colors, showcasing a blue and green background divided by the silhouette of the island. The flag features a golden bosun bird in flight, a golden Southern Cross constellation, and a golden panel on the hoist side. This design reflects the island's natural beauty, its location in the Southern Hemisphere, and its historical ties.

The Flag of Christmas Island

History of The Flag of Christmas Island

The flag of Christmas Island was officially adopted on January 14, 1986, following a flag design competition held to create a flag that was representative of the island's unique culture, geography, and history. Prior to its adoption, Christmas Island did not have its own distinctive flag and generally used the flag of Australia, the country to which it has been a territory since 1958. The winning design was chosen for its ability to encapsulate the island's identity through its natural elements and historical connections. The flag's adoption marked an important step in the island's journey towards embracing its distinct identity within the Australian territory.